Sweetness without Calories?
Artificial Sweeteners: Sugar-free, Guilt-free?
Many products contain artificial sweeteners to reduce sugar and caloric content. While this might be beneficial for weight and blood sugar management, there are a few “side effects” worth considering…
Sugar-Free ≠ Healthy
Just because one product is sugar-free does NOT mean it is healthy. For example, some sugar-free chocolates are still high in saturated fat and hence are still considered as discretionary food.
Replacing natural sugar in wholefood with “sugar-free” products may not be the best strategy. This is because artificial sweeteners contain barely any nutrient to help improve our diet quality, whereas whole food such as fruits is packed with many nutrients such as fibres, vitamins and minerals.
Taste Preference Change
The intense sweetness from artificial sweeteners (e.g. Aspartame is 200X sweeter than sugar!) means that excessive consumption could dampen our taste sensitivity, which means that our tastebud could be less able to differentiate and enjoy the natural sweetness in whole fruits like fruits and vegetables.
Empty Calories, Empty Feeling?
It is also suggested that we may feel less satisfied after consuming food or drink that lack calorie. This could be due to the reduced level of stimulation in the reward centre of our brain.
This could also explain why sometimes our sugar-crave keep lingering even after having a sugar-free lolly. In long term, reduced satisfaction from food is associated with increased food-seeking behaviours.
Impact on Gut Health
Despite the dismissed cancer myth of artificial sweeteners, there are growing concerns over its potential disruption on our gut microbiome.
For example, some preliminary research found that saccharin consumption is linked to alteration of gut microbiota and glucose intolerance. Stevia extracts could also impact on the gut flora composition.
Our little microbial friends are very important as they do us many favours including strengthening immunity, aiding digestion and preventing chronic diseases.
Laxative Effect
Excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes, particularly sugar alcohol (e.g. lactitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol, polydextrose and sorbitol) could give our tummy a hard time due to its laxative effects (e.g. gas, bloating, diarrhoea).
Despite potential benefits in weight and blood sugar management, artificial sweeteners may not be the “guilt-free” choices which we could limitlessly indulgence on, due to the potential impact on gut health, taste preference and other health issues.
While the topic continues to be debatable, one thing we could remain certain and always will is that natural sugar found in wholefood, combined with balanced diets and physical activities, are the best sweeteners for your health.
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